Gonio Stepper
Linear Stepper
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Product Introduction
Linear Stepper
Linear motor that provides positioning with a resolution of <200 nm under extreme environmental conditions.
Model name: MMx30, MMx24, MMz24, MMx20 (new), MMz20 (new)
*Customization available
Low Temperature
Ultra-High Vacuum
High Magnetic Field
Resistive Encoder (closed loop control)
20 × 20 × 12 mm³
12 g
20 × 20 × 21 mm³
27 g
0 - 60 V
5 mm
<200 nm
24 × 24 × 11 mm³
15 g
24 × 24 × 27 mm³
50 g
6 mm
5.5 mm
26 g
Ultra-precise resolution enables operation in extreme environmental conditions.
A rotational motor provides positioning of 𝚹 and Φ.
Model name: MMgf35, MMgf50
24 × 24 × 15 mm³
20 g
-4° - 4°
Position Encoder
Maximum Load
300 g
With an ultra-precision resolution of 15 m°, the rotary motor provides positioning capabilities and enables 360° rotation under extreme environmental conditions.
Model name: MMr24, MMrv15 (vertical), MMr15
24 × 24 × 20 mm³
35 g
15 × 15 × 14 mm³
360 ° endless
Encoded travel range
Sensor resolution
<15 m°
200 g
15 × 21 × 14 mm³
30 g
Operating under extreme environmental conditions with sub-nm resolution, a scanner used in precise imaging technology.
Model name: MMs24
24 × 24 × 9 mm³
16 g
Positioning Resolution
Positioning Range @ 300 K
Positioning Range @ 4K
60 × 60 × 30 µm³ (max 60 V)
30 × 30 × 15 µm³ (max 150 V)
Precise motor position reading and controlling controller.
Model name: MMC3
19' Rack type (4U)
5 kg
Sawtooth (clockwise, counter clockwise)
5 V - 60 V
1 kHz
5 V
16 bit
Local control
Touch screen
220 VAC, 60 Hz, 100 W
Customizing Solution
We will do our best to ensure that our products meet the values that our customers pursue.